We were engaged by Kind & Company (Builders) Ltd. to execute the interior refurbishment of the Margaret Thatcher Infirmary at Royal Hospital Chelsea.
Work started in July 2022 with a phased construction programme. This included refurbishment to the main reception, the creation of Marlborough Hall as a destination dinning hall to echo the Great Hall, and additional spaces for pensioners to socialise created in each of the wards.
Balancing the requirements of registered wards with the prestige of the site was a key design criteria. We worked closely with the interior designer Park Grove to keep pensioners wellbeing at the centre of all decisions.
We worked to implement an interior design which included ‘stained glass’ effect wall finishes, bespoke joinery panelling and memory corners for pensioners to personalise their doors.
Designing within the existing building came with its own challenges, with the scope of works changing on site once each phase of the works was released to the main contractor for opening up and survey. The new wall to the reception area and the amendments to the corridors had to be redesigned when previously unknown existing services needed to be retained and concealed. Future-proofing within the executed design allows for the building managers to adapt the wards when required.